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Advisory Reinvented.

In a world which is constantly changing, standing still means falling behind. It is not only important to be able to adapt to these constant changes, but also to be able to thrive in change, and ultimately drive the change.

At Olution, we help you to adapt, to thrive and to drive change. We help you when you need it, on topics you are really thinking about. Keep us onboard as long as we add value to you and your business.

No retainers

No projects

No man-days

No Overhead

Just value-driven advisory when you need it

Founders & Managers
to Build, Evolve, and Revolutionize their Businesses

For Founders

For Managers

20+ Years Experience in Digital Business Models

As Founder, Mentor, C-Level, Advisory Board Member,  Business Partner, Service Provider, we help build digital business models from start-ups to enterprises.

Have a product which is looking for a business model?

We specialize in assisting you in identifying and establishing the ideal business model for your product

Is your organization suffering from “Not Invented Here Syndrome”?

We help drive change within the organization, rather than waiting for change to drive you.


We teach you and your team how to build sustainable solutions for a volatile world.   There will always be a need for new solutions.  We make sure you are ready.

We don’t sell Solutions

Evolution is a Mindset


Standing still is falling behind.  A changing world demands that we as individuals and the organisations we work in must continuously evolve. 


There are two words incumbent companies are most afraid of: Innovation and Disruption. We help you to do both.

Revolutionize. Innovate. Disrupt.

I have been looking for someone to
  • Give me new Perspectives on difficult situations.
  • Help me embrace and manage change.
  • Create structures to Scale and Grow my business.
  • Challenge Strategic decisions.
  • Evolve my Entrepreneurial skills.
  • Accompany my Personal and Professional growth

What is Ad-Hoc Advisory?

We help you when you need it, on topics  you are really thinking about. Keep us onboard as long as we add value to you and your business.

Keynotes, Expert Panels, Interviews, Seminars

We love to support.  On the stage, on a panel discussion, in the classroom, in a blog, in an interview.  Let us know what you are planning, and if we can support.

Have a clear path to positive cash flow, but need support getting there?

We believe in bootstrapping and support with angel investments and active managerial support.

Do you reflect enough? Does that reflection lead to action?

It is not about us reflecting for you, it is about helping you reflect more effectively.


Discover our Curated Content and Videos

Explore Olution’s top blogs, upcoming events, and insightful videos on business transformation and leadership. 

Embrace Evolution, Drive Revolution

Schedule Your Discovery Session Today